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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Weather's been pretty lovely lately. Have been raining since days back, monsoon season? I doubt so. Global warming, thats what Weida explained. Well.. I could care less about what's the cause, what's the seed of everything. Whatever. I just love the weather.

Another tiring day at work today, finally another day off tomorrow. Still wondering whats gonna happen tmr. Like, having chalet over at Downtown, excited not. Probably I'll just feel that I'm one total alien with them. But again, we have one thing in common. And the one and only is, Music.

Oh, comes to music.. It really has been quite sometime ever since I last touched a piece of Saxophone. I want to play with the band again, I really want to. Ah, will I even have difficulty playing it now. Haha! Cos what, "it's been so long"! Haha.

Too, I miss the sound of my piano. I've not been practising on it since months back. Sometimes, I'll just go to it and play something random and then get back to nowhere. Another "it's been so long".

I miss everything.

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